Lillian Leber and Jim Epstein

Lillian Leber

Lillian Leber married Jim Epstein and they have twins, Ethel "Portia" (d. 1989) and Irene (d. 1993).

Below are the names of Lillian and Jim's children:

Ethel "Portia" Epstein (Singer)

Irene Epstein (Flam)

Ethel Epstein's Family
Ethel Epstein married William Singer and the had one child Frederic (d.). Frederic was married to _______.

Irene Epstein's Family
Irene Epstein married David Flam and they have two children, Eric and Judy. Eric is married to _____ and the live in New Mexico. Judy married George Ulrich and lives in Massachusetts with their two children Liza and Zoe.

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